Privacy Policy


We take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting your personal information. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, and safeguard your data. By using our website, you consent to the practices described below.


  • 2024 Consent: We obtain your explicit consent before collecting any personally identifiable information (PII). You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

  • Notice of Privacy Practices: Upon your first encounter with our website, we provide you with a Notice of Privacy Practices. This document explains what PII may be disclosed, to whom, and why. It also outlines your right to access, amend, or transfer your PII1.

Data Breach Notification Procedure

In the event of a data breach:

  1. Identify and Contain: We promptly identify and contain the breach to prevent further exposure.

  2. Risk Assessment: We assess the risks associated with the breach.

  3. Individual Notification: We notify affected individuals about the breach, including details of what happened, potential risks, and recommended actions.

  4. Law Enforcement Notification: If required, we notify law enforcement.

  5. Cooperation: We cooperate fully with law enforcement authorities2.

Secure Data Transmission

  • We use industry-standard encryption protocols (e.g., TLS) to ensure secure data transmission between your device and our servers.

  • Data transmitted during user interactions (e.g., form submissions) is encrypted to protect your privacy.

Data Encryption

  • All data temporarily retained in transit to Google Workspace HIPAA-compliant access-controlled email servers is encrypted using strong encryption algorithms.

  • We follow best practices to safeguard your data during transmission and storage.

Retention Period

  • We retain data temporarily only for the necessary duration to fulfill the intended purpose (e.g., email delivery).

  • Once the purpose is fulfilled, we promptly delete or anonymize the data.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please contact our privacy officer at